Sunday, October 11, 2009

A pretty boy from paradise city...

Every day brings that fresh light of hope and a new experience. Some we like and some we don't. But there is a huge lesson to be learned from these experiences. Having that keen-ness to see the optimism is very important.

Its very rare when a bunch of 17 guys watch a movie and everybody likes it. Some even wait to see the credits till the end and that too sitting in the last row(giggles!). Its even amazing to hear such a nice background music complementing every minute frame of every little scene. Every petite note enhances the expression so much more. For me, that's what made the movie so special.

What followed next was an old routine 'of' some and a new experience 'for' some. But its even better to see the freshman enjoy watching others enjoy!! A little bit of Carrom, two bottles of Little Devil, Smoke all around, a pretty boy from paradise city..and an Apple Pie to conclude a brilliant day.

P.S. I'm still sleeping...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Voids literally means empty/blank spaces , in science I came across this term in the discipline of chemistry and philosophically ,voids was mentioned in one of my English chapters from a book named “Hornbill” class XI I guess…I dunt remember the chapter name.
A new realm of thinking opened after reading that chapter ,it defined voids as – empty or idle time in different situations (i am quoting the same example here) …for eg: when u are moving from one floor to another and u are waiting for the this waiting process creates a void when ur mind is actually doing nothing ..
So there are voids like this in every aspect of life and quiet often we just let them pass, so what we can do is just utilize the time for something constructive ,,,this would not only help in personal development but wud save us from idleness(its said that idle mind is the house of evil)…..and there is one more quote which I would like to mention here is
“To be is to do”-Socrates
This article is also a result of one void …so u can see instead of not doin anything doin smthng is better…

Sunday, October 4, 2009


In OB there was this concept of ‘conformity’ in group behaviour and being human beings (social beings) this concept applies to our mundane affairs.
In my two and a half semester of engineering ..i have seen this effect in my encounters with this callous world.
12 years of schooling v/s 4 years of engineering there has to be some difference in what we call what i have noticed is that people make friends (although they are just pawns) for some selfish motif of theirs....but such relationships doesn’t last that long and the person who is into this sort of relationship seeks for some genuine friendship to quenches his/her need for belongingness....however due to pawnships(friendship with pawns as mentioned) the person is forced to conform and the seeker has to make a choice. The choice depends upon the need, mood etc of the person,so tym along with stereotyping plays a major role in this friendship process ...