Sunday, October 11, 2009

A pretty boy from paradise city...

Every day brings that fresh light of hope and a new experience. Some we like and some we don't. But there is a huge lesson to be learned from these experiences. Having that keen-ness to see the optimism is very important.

Its very rare when a bunch of 17 guys watch a movie and everybody likes it. Some even wait to see the credits till the end and that too sitting in the last row(giggles!). Its even amazing to hear such a nice background music complementing every minute frame of every little scene. Every petite note enhances the expression so much more. For me, that's what made the movie so special.

What followed next was an old routine 'of' some and a new experience 'for' some. But its even better to see the freshman enjoy watching others enjoy!! A little bit of Carrom, two bottles of Little Devil, Smoke all around, a pretty boy from paradise city..and an Apple Pie to conclude a brilliant day.

P.S. I'm still sleeping...

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