Sunday, October 4, 2009


In OB there was this concept of ‘conformity’ in group behaviour and being human beings (social beings) this concept applies to our mundane affairs.
In my two and a half semester of engineering ..i have seen this effect in my encounters with this callous world.
12 years of schooling v/s 4 years of engineering there has to be some difference in what we call what i have noticed is that people make friends (although they are just pawns) for some selfish motif of theirs....but such relationships doesn’t last that long and the person who is into this sort of relationship seeks for some genuine friendship to quenches his/her need for belongingness....however due to pawnships(friendship with pawns as mentioned) the person is forced to conform and the seeker has to make a choice. The choice depends upon the need, mood etc of the person,so tym along with stereotyping plays a major role in this friendship process ...

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