Thursday, August 13, 2009


Is there something you ought to be doing right now? Chances are, YES. Well, to be honest, there is always something we ought to be doing at every moment, but it’s just the sluggish nature of ours that envies the right thing to be done at the right time.

Going by the RD figures, 95% people procrastinate. So what’s the big deal? Everybody does it. It’s just the way we are. But the figures also reflect a morose side to the story. It hampers our health, wealth and a vast sea of opportunities.

It starts by a little deferment and by the time we realize it, the list has already prolonged to the next page. Then the cognition takes us through the lane among the mine-fields. Our sole aim becomes to shorten that list. We keep swinging in the to-and-fro motion of that lost endeavour and miss out on the episode of the present.

I showcased the same order of events last week. I even resorted to make a list and by the time I started with one thing something else popped-up. The To-do option in my phone do came in handy. I completed 12 of the 15 tasks I was set out to do. What helped my cause was that I completed the most challenging task first. I didn’t intend to do it first, it sort-of happened, but I do had the willingness and yes, the efforts did pay off to conclude the leftovers.

So, as the saying goes, the best time to do a task, is NOW. We never know when the presence will lose its ‘tranquility’ or more importantly it’s ‘essence’.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Friendship day Jaunt

Part I

Pwn4ge aka Degant and this guy with Asmatullah Achakzai aka Zubin planned a friendship day brunch and we were informed of it,Asmatullah left for his home a day before and came back on the day itself and Old Trafford aka Manu was to accompany Dadu aka Sourav and devil for a meeting and as planned they attended the meeting which is highly classified .

It was the time when the sun is highest in the sky (i can be a a beautiful line) and old Trafford messaged to meet them at the Sherawala gate(Patiala) so me along with Quintessentially paranoid aka Kshitij(with a j J) and Asmatullah took a rickshaw to the famous 22 number gate. I had devil’s camera with me luckily and one thing i need to mention here wenever i have a camera the photographer within me wakes up so i started making a video (soon they will be here)...back to rickshaw .......ya on our way we discussed friendship ...i asked them what do u have to say on friendship and Asmatullah was like...”aaaa....aa...aa....ok later” and Quintessentially paranoid started said “fakers.......choose your friend wisely...”and after that we reached Sahani and there we saw some girls (wont mention there name here ) and while crossing 22 we saw some more girls particularly one girl ...and after tht there were no more girls on the way to our destination

Quintessentially paranoid enlightened us with his supreme knowledge and showed us the new Indian post

Meanwhile Dadu ,Old Trafford and Pwn4ge were done with there meeting and were off to drink “lassi”,finaly we met and then went to a “chole Bhature “ restaurant actually a small dingy place cant even call it a restaurant ...better to call it a “dhabha” . After eating and drinking tht “lassi” we set back our course to the hostel

Part II

After takin a nap me and Asmatullah decided to window shop and Old Trafford left with TJ. On our way back from 22 we decided to go to the Gurudwara nearby ,we sat near the Sarovar for abt half and hour and the serenity was rejuvenating , breeze created small ripples in the water and the lights from above added to the scenic beauty. There were some fishes and most of them were black or brownish in shade and suddenly i saw a golden yellow fish ...maybe a good omen. With that i wud like to conclude by saying something on true friendship.

In this materialistic world there are many people who fake around to befriend someone for some selfish motive of theirs....according to me a true friend is a person whose sole motif is to unconditionally support his/her friend.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The day my life mocked me.......

Wll everyone have their worst or best days,but some days you feel destiny conspires against you.I am surely skeptical about begginer's luck but truly convinced about juxtaposed jinxes.
Well it seemed as an ordinary day,laziness hovering in the ambience and a QUEER dead silence.
11:30am:Prepration of computer practical finishes.
11:45am:after doing usual chores ,me and my two friends set out on an ordeal.
11:47am:En route a classmate informs comm skills evaluation has already started and all of us break into a cold sweat.
11:58am:We reach the classroom. i bashed the door open only to realise the room was occupied by another batch.
12:00noon: Venue:mamm's office
we see maam busy in a conversation with two people.
12:03pm:we beg for forgiveness.All our requests are turned down.Already late for our computer lab evaluation.
12:05pm:We are runnng for our live's and reach the CCCT lab and to our astonishment we find none of our group members there.
12:06pm:get a call from a friend as i try to pick up the cell shuts down(quite dramatic but true).
12:07pm:somehow mange to open the phone and called.venue shifted to lab in electronics lab.
12:08pm:Reach the lab,in the nick of time.
01:05pm:finish the evaluation.
01:07pm:reach the maam's office only to find it closed .
01:08pm:Run up to maam in f block .somehow persuade her to take a re eavaluation test.
01:12pm:evaluation rescheduled to 3:00pm.and we go to lib.
01:15pm:anothe shocker .have a lib debt on me amounting to rs.120,i havn't got a clue of.
01:20pm:get back to hostel took my book.
02:10pm:Went back gave it to the lib. with Rs.180 as fine(Rs.50 as dome bullshit processing fees.scumbags!!!!!!!!)
03:20pm:at last gave the comm skills test.(And the irony is i got a B in comm skills missing it by 1 mark.)
Wel...............the bedrock reality is "YOU NEVER KNOW".WELL AS I FEEL"WHO GIVES A SHIT."

Saturday, August 8, 2009


We meet many a similar faces everyday, yet still the first thing that pops outta mouth is “Hey! Whazzup!!”….as if we are paranoid to it, sub-consciously. What’s even more wacky is our reply, most often we never say what is actually happening around us. We start to search for that little extra-ordinary to say the least, n if we are not able to spot that lil’ ‘extra’ in that not so ordinary life of ours we feel acerb, a little sour, a little bitter, still we end up saying,“Everything is going gr8 as usual, how about you??”

These things get tossed from one person to another, numerous times a day. A tinge of tartness is all that is required to ruin a brilliant day. But still, it’s more about comforting that other person with your consorting presence. As the tagline of a renowned airline goes, “What I loved was the extra effort you took to make me comfortable.”

So go around n have fun playing with your versions of Wazzaaaa!! n start sharing those smiles of comfort n presence.


Friday, August 7, 2009

"Who, what etc....."

The most commonly used words. These words reckon in every human being's mind .These words although very small but really big when it comes to life. I wanted to give my oral presentation in the second sem on this topic but i felt that only a few people wud understand this so i decided nt to give my OP on this.

With growth the question pattern changes ..let me elaborate on this (i dunt kno whether this is scientifically proven ,it’s just my viewpoint)

When we are kids we often ask—“what is this ,what is that ,how does thing works ,Why do the stars shine ,What is that person doing ?,When will i grow,Why there are girls and why are they diffent( lol ) and question of these type

Now as we gain knowledge our level of question increases ...we start thinking about people around us..moreover we start thinking about socializing.We think about friends “ what he/she is doing,what will people think when i wear this or that,why is she/she doing that?” etc....

When we have gained enough knowledge to think about our future.....questions like “Is this the right decision ,Am i reaching my goals,What will happen if i don’t do this ,What is the current economy status etc .....

These are some of the questions that revolve in our mind ......these questions are a part of our lives and without them we cant develop, this is what keeps us going....

So guys keep on asking questions...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The exceptional bro code

Bro Code:

Article 1: Bro's before Ho's

Article 2: A Bro is always entitled to do something stupid, as long as the rest of his Bros are doing it

Article 3: If a Bro gets a dog, it must be at least as tall as his knee when full-grown

Article 4: A Bro never divulges the of the Bro Code to a woman. It is a scared document not to be shared with chicks for any not even that reason.

NOTE: If you are a woman reading this, first let me apologise: it was never my intention for this book to contain so much math. Second, I urge you to look at this document for what it is-apeice of fiction meant to entertain a broad audience through the prism of stereotypical gender differences. I mean, sometimes it really is like we're from different planets! Clearly, no real person would actually beleive or adhere to the vulgar rules contained within.* Those boots are adorable, b-t-dub.

*Psst-her guys I put this in really small type at the bottom since we all know men have much better vision than women. Ignore the above-the Bro Code is definitely NOT a peice of fiction. I was simply lying to uphold this very article.

Article 5: whether he cares about sports or not, a Bro cares about sports.

Article 6: A /bro shall not lollygag if he must get naked in front of other Nros in a gym locker room

Article 7: A Bro never admits he can't drve stick. Even after an accident.

Article 8: A Bro never sends a greeting card to another Bro.

Article 9: Should a Bro lose a body part due to an accident or illness, his fellow Bros will not make lame jokes such as "Gimmee three!" or "Wow, quiiting your job like that really took a lot of ball". Its still a high five and that Bro still has a lot of balls...metaphorically speaking of course.

Article 10: A Bro will drop whatever he's doing and rush to help his Bro dump a chick.

Article 11: A Bro may ask his Bro(s) to help him move, but only after first discoling an honest estimate on both time commitment and number of large pieces of furnititure. If the Bro has vastly underestimated either, his Bros retain the right to leave his possessions where they are-in most cases, stuck in a doorway.

Article 12: Bros do no share dessert

Article 13: All Bros shall dub one of their Bros his wingman

Article 14: If a chick inquires about another Bro's sexual history, a Bro shall honor the 'Brode of silence' and play dumb. Better to have women think all men are stupid than tell the truth.

Article 15: A Bro never dances with his hands above his head.

Article 16: A Bro should be able, at any time, to recite the following reigning champions: Super Bowl, World Series, and Playmate of the Year

Article 17: A Bro shall be kind and courteous to his co-workers, unless they are beneath him on the Pyramid of Screaming

Article 18: If a Bro spearheads a beer run at a party, he is entitled to any excess monies accrued after canvassing the group

Article 19: A Bro shall not sleep with another Bro's sister. However, a Bro shall not get angry if another Bro says, "Dude, your sisters hot!"

Article 20: A Bro respects his Bros in the m,ilitary because they've selflessly chosen to defend the nation, but mpre to the point, because they can kick his ass sex ways to sunday.

Article 21: A Bro never shares observations about another Bro's smoking-hot girlfriend. Even if the Bro with the hot girlfriend attempts to bait the Bro by saying "she's smoking-hot, huh?" a Bro shall remain silent, because in this situation, he's the only one who should be baiting.

Article 22: There is no law that prohibits a woman from being a Bro.

Article 23 When flipping through TV channals with his Bros, a Bro is not allowed to skip past a program featuring boobs. This includes but is not limited to, exercise shows, womens athletics, and on some occasions surgery programs.

Article 24: When wearing a baseball cap, a Bro may poition the brim at either 12 or 6 o'clock. All other angles are reserved for rappers and the handicapped.

Article 25: A Bro doesnt let another Bro get a tattoo, particularly a tattoo of a girls name.

Article 26: Unless he has children, a Bro shall not wear his cell phone on a belt clip.

Article 27: A Bro never removes his shirt in front of other Bros, unless at a resort pool or the beach

Article 28: A Bro will, in a timely manner, alert his Bro to the existance of a girl fight

Article 29: If two Bros decide to catch a movie together, they may not attend a screening that begins after 4:40pm. Also despite the cost savings, they shall not split a tub of popcorn, choosing instead to procure individual bags.

Article 30: A Bro doesn't comparison shop.

Article 31: When on the prowl, a Bro hits on the hottest chick first because you just never know

Article 32: A Bro doesnt allow another Bro to get married until hes at least thirty

Article 33 When in a public restroom, a Bro (1) stares straight ahead when using the urinal; (2) makes the obligatory comment, "What is this, a chicks' restroom?" if there are more than two dudes waiting to pee; and (3) attempts to shoot his used paper towel into the trash can like a basketball...rebounding is optional.

Article 34: Bros cannot make eye-contact during a Devil's Threeway.

Article 35: A Bro never rents a chick flick

Article 36 DD: When questioned in the company of women, a Bro always decries fake breasts.

Article 37: A Bro is under no obligation to open a door for anyone. If women insist on having their own professional basketball league, then they can open their own doors. Honestly they're not that heavy

Article 38: Even in a fight to the death a Bro never punches another Bro in the groin. When a Bro gets a chicks number, he waits at least ninety-six hours before calling her.

Article 40: Should a Bro become stricken with engagement, his Bros shall stage an intervention and attempt to heal him. This is more commonly known as "a bachelor party."

Article 41: A Bro never cries (Exceptions- Watching Field of Dreams, ET or a sports legend right (only first time he retires))

Article 42: Upon greeting another Bro, a Bro may engage in a high five, fist bump, or a Bro hug, but never a full embrace.

Article 43: A Bro loves his country, unless that country isn't America.

Article 44: A Bro never applies sunscreen to another Bro

Article 45: A Bro never wears jeans to a strip club

Article 46: If a Bro is seated next to some dude who's stuck in the middle seat on an airplane, he shall yield him all of their shared armrest, unlesss the dude has (a) teken his shoes off, (b) is snoring, (c) makes the Bro get up more than once to use the lavatory, or (d) purchased headphones after they announced the in-flight movie is 27 Dresses. See Article 35.

Article 47: A Bro never wears pink. Not even in Europe

Article 48: A Bro never publicly reveals how many chicks he's banged.

Article 49: When asked, "Do you need some help?" a Bro shall automatically respond, "I gotit," whether or not he's actually got it.

Article 50: If a Bro should accidentally strike another Bro's undercarriage with his arm while walking, both Bros silently agree to continue on as if it never happened.

Article 51: A Bro checks out another Bro's blind date and reports back with a thumbs-up or thumbs-down

Article 52: A Bro doesnt listen to chick front of other Bros. When alone, a Bro may listen to, say, a Sarah McLachlan album or two, but only to gain valuable insights into the female psyches, not because he finds her melodies tragically haunting yet curiously uplifting at the same time.

Article 53: A Bro pretends to understand and enjoy cigars

Article 54: No sex with you Bro's ex

A lil abt ma roomates

I am nt that much of a blogger but this blog was a joint venture
Zubin and my idea to pen down everything tht happens in our lives
now introducing my roomates

-The guy with long locks
met this amazing person in the first semester ...a mutual friend introduced me to him.I came to kno he is a download freak and has got one of those MBA passwords which all crave for,i also came to kno tht he has gt good contacts here at Thapar.During the EST's i just transferred some data from his hardrive.Then came the second sem we became good friends.There is one thing abt this guy that he is always online on my gtalk list ,no matter wat happens he is always online. One more thing abt this guy ...girls are jealous of his beautiful :P
ok fast forwarding a little bit ...
Second year -The grand first day
we all in the line trying to get a hostel and my condition was such tht i wasnt getting any hostel and i dunno from where his name came to my mind and i asked him along with Manu and Kshitiz to make me as there room mate and they accepted me.
Enuf of Zubin

Manu-The Studd

The star personality of the room....the director of the award winning docu....introducing Manu
Met him in the second semester as he was Kshitiz's room mate.i remember he helped me with SM in the End sems.
As i already mentioned how he accepted me as a roomate ...this man is really a great soul,always ready to help and i never heard a 'NO' from his mouth. A nice chab :)

Kshitiz-The movie freak
Whenever i went to his room in the C hostel i used to see him with his lappy watching a movie.I met this guy in the first sem coz he was my batchie,he is really motivating at times and he also never says 'NO'

this was just a brief intro ....and watever came to mind i wrote it
cheers to C106 :)

Inauguration Ceremony!!!!!!!!

First post of my life,sure is something.Well, about my pseudonym.........well lets contemplate on it later someday,as of now i am in a drooly eyed state of nothingness staring into the TFT screen not havin a clue what to write. To start with sharing your personal experiences with others is a good way to counter boredom.But as i said in my class presentation "Boredom provides a primordial soup to life's most quintessentially human moments."Well refraining from making the readers bored this is "quintessentially paranoid" signing off.Adios amigos!!!!!!!

A lil' about us...!!!!

Hello! This is no-ordinary blog. This is a 24x7 picture of room c-106 framed with trinkets of fun, enjoyment and friendship. For this is what we do. Put one foot forward and then the other. Lift our eyes to the snarl and smile of the world every morning. We think. We act. We feel. We Rock!! Drag our shadowed crosses into the hope of another nite. Push our brave hearts into the promise of a new day. For so long as fate keeps waiting. We move on. Cheers!!