Thursday, August 6, 2009

A lil abt ma roomates

I am nt that much of a blogger but this blog was a joint venture
Zubin and my idea to pen down everything tht happens in our lives
now introducing my roomates

-The guy with long locks
met this amazing person in the first semester ...a mutual friend introduced me to him.I came to kno he is a download freak and has got one of those MBA passwords which all crave for,i also came to kno tht he has gt good contacts here at Thapar.During the EST's i just transferred some data from his hardrive.Then came the second sem we became good friends.There is one thing abt this guy that he is always online on my gtalk list ,no matter wat happens he is always online. One more thing abt this guy ...girls are jealous of his beautiful :P
ok fast forwarding a little bit ...
Second year -The grand first day
we all in the line trying to get a hostel and my condition was such tht i wasnt getting any hostel and i dunno from where his name came to my mind and i asked him along with Manu and Kshitiz to make me as there room mate and they accepted me.
Enuf of Zubin

Manu-The Studd

The star personality of the room....the director of the award winning docu....introducing Manu
Met him in the second semester as he was Kshitiz's room mate.i remember he helped me with SM in the End sems.
As i already mentioned how he accepted me as a roomate ...this man is really a great soul,always ready to help and i never heard a 'NO' from his mouth. A nice chab :)

Kshitiz-The movie freak
Whenever i went to his room in the C hostel i used to see him with his lappy watching a movie.I met this guy in the first sem coz he was my batchie,he is really motivating at times and he also never says 'NO'

this was just a brief intro ....and watever came to mind i wrote it
cheers to C106 :)

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