Saturday, August 8, 2009


We meet many a similar faces everyday, yet still the first thing that pops outta mouth is “Hey! Whazzup!!”….as if we are paranoid to it, sub-consciously. What’s even more wacky is our reply, most often we never say what is actually happening around us. We start to search for that little extra-ordinary to say the least, n if we are not able to spot that lil’ ‘extra’ in that not so ordinary life of ours we feel acerb, a little sour, a little bitter, still we end up saying,“Everything is going gr8 as usual, how about you??”

These things get tossed from one person to another, numerous times a day. A tinge of tartness is all that is required to ruin a brilliant day. But still, it’s more about comforting that other person with your consorting presence. As the tagline of a renowned airline goes, “What I loved was the extra effort you took to make me comfortable.”

So go around n have fun playing with your versions of Wazzaaaa!! n start sharing those smiles of comfort n presence.


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